"This retreat is so worth your time and money. It's the perfect mix of scientific truth and God's truth. The team guides you first into slowing down and being present with God and your body. Such a contrast with what the weight I walked into the room with. Then they really put into words and made it understandable the practical knowledge of both how the mind and brain work together, the power of a sound mind, and how we can influence that daily. I walked away with practical steps for each day to stay reset, renewed, and refreshed."

Alison Feinauer, Digital Products, Crossroads, Cincinnati

“I have been to many retreats, leadership development seminars, national conferences, etc... over the years, and still words can not begin to express how I came out of the women's retreat last week. God met me, wrecked me, and unblocked me in places I did not know I needed. Then, he reminded me how wonderful and beautiful he created me to be. I felt humbled, known, refreshed, and loved getting to spend quality time with God and other women…My hope is that all women on staff will be able to experience this gift each year.” —Julie S., 2023, generously sent by her church.

April 2023 Retreatant

"This retreat is a breath of fresh air for women in ministry who give so much to others and sometimes lack opportunity and intention to care for their own souls. It is creative, highly interactive, and allows space to do deep work with the Lord in an atmosphere that is without pressure or hurry. Unique content challenges and stimulates thinking in ways that make it not your average retreat."


“If you are feeling burned out, tired, overwhelmed, or hurting make this retreat a priority. It will give you much-needed time with God who restores your soul. Do it! I felt so cared for.”

Nothing is required.” I can’t remember the last time I was in a space where nothing was required. Huge blessing and a breath of fresh air.

The meaningful spiritual practices, the treasuring box, the contemplative walk, using the labyrinth, processing what I learned in sessions — all of it contributed to accomplishing your purpose.
— June W., Pastor
The Re.Group Retreat was an amazing opportunity to slow down, relax, release and connect with God in ways I had never experienced. God created us... mind, body, and spirit... and wants to be involved with us more completely than we easily allow.

I was so glad to not have pressure to share and that you emphasize sharing is not required

My faith background and desire to be in control from a flawed human perspective made me a bit hesitant at first. But, because of the biblical foundations presented and personal faith testimonies and interactions from Shannon and Calley, my mind, body, and spirit were very much at peace throughout the retreat. I have more tools to use now to connect with God even more fully. Thanks!
— DeAnne O - Volunteer Prayer Team Co-Leader - Crossroads

"The thing I took away is that God has redeemed the hard parts of my story. I am not defined by them, and I don't operate from the broken place associated with them." 2022 Retreatant

“This retreat delivered. I feel like I have started to repair, and I acknowledge that it is on me to continue the process. I feel like I got practical things to apply in my everyday. The treasuring box gave me space to creatively reflect on how I was engaging with God. I found proximity in the elements was a subconscious expression of what I was feeling.” Jamie S.

I sincerely appreciate the prayers leading up to, during, and even after.
— A.

“Both speakers/teachers were amazing and safe. Thank you!” — Tierra W.

April 2023 Retreatant

"You won’t regret this time away. God uses all kinds of ways to reset us and this is one that bring together 3 beautiful teachers who walk before you and model how to love the lord with all your heart, soul and mind. I loved all the science and ways it interconnects with scripture. It’s so amazing!!!"

Jamie S.

“This retreat delivered. I feel like I have started to repair, and I acknowledge that it is on me to continue the process. I feel like I got practical things to apply in my everyday. The treasuring box gave me space to creatively reflect on how I was engaging with God. I found proximity in the elements was a subconscious expression of what I was feeling.”

Need four days away from the busyness of life to disconnect, be filled with peace, time to take care of you, all while connecting with God in the most peaceful location ever? You won’t want to return to normal life!
— 2023 Retreatant, Milford, OH
This is such a great retreat to focus on wellness and learn new methods to cope with every day and not so every day issues. It’s a time of rest and renewal. A time to experience freedom from hard emotions and focus on a Creator who loves and adores you and made you so intricately with power to heal.
— Olivia

Lynn Jankowski, Executive Director, Crossroads Church Oakley Campus

“Phenomenal content, loved the wisdom of Shannon and Calley. Tools I loved and am taking with me: Bilateral/Somatic prayer walk, Treasuring box, Neurographic drawing, EFT, and especially MetaCog exercise. It was actually just the beginning of a lot of resetting I need to work through and am grateful to have these tools.”

God was woven through all of the teachings
This retreat was a wonderful way to connect with Christian women as well as rest from the very demanding schedule of work
— Barb Hesler, Crossroads Oakley
Most impact? Incorporating the Welcoming Prayer into my life and My/Our/The Story. I loved the scientific explanations of our neuro pathways and transformation processing but struggled to soak it all in so fast! Awareness of physical storage of experiences and emotions was new for me. I loved taking communion at the end.
— Ohio Retreatant

April 2022 Retreatant

"I had huge revelation while I was there, mostly because of your invitation to do what I felt like doing and not HAVING to participate in anything. I personally needed space to just hear the Lord's voice without the hassle of major travel and in the company of women."

Ronda Campbell, Connection Coordinator, Crossroads Church

“This retreat helped me uncover a lot about myself in what felt like a fairly short amount of time. I learned new ways to surrender things to God and new ways to connect with Him that I hadn't tried before that I still do weeks after returning home! The women who led the retreat are so empathetic, relational, and insightful. The calling God placed on these women will surely continue to be a blessing for many.”

I was hesitant of the Treasure Box, but it became among the things I will value the most. Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate! It was a HUGE blessing!! Y’all are great!
— C.
There was a great balance. I appreciated the boundaries that gave me freedom from sharing things that were in process or I did not feel comfortable sharing. Re.Group Retreat has a strong team & great chemistry, authenticity and powerful testimony. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to sit under your your teaching and ministry.
— Molly C. Pastor Crossroads Church Cincinnati, OH
I loved the welcome prayer and the prayer walk. And explaining why, how, and then giving us space to do them was powerful. I loved how this wasn’t like any other retreat; no cliche worship or prayer times and lots of space to rest in the afternoon
— 2022 Feedback