Shannon Neel - MA, CSP, CLC

Shannon is the developer of Re.Group Retreats. She has a private counseling practice in Lakewood, CO. She brings an eclectic approach to her practice, combining a Bachelor Degree in Cognitive and Developmental Psychology and Master's degree in Pastoral Counseling. She is also a master-trained Splankna Practitioner, a Certified Life and Marriage Coach, and the developer of #HER Circles, supportive groups for women working collectively through trauma and abuse.  

Shannon’s life experiences and journey of healing enrich and inform her practice, leading retreats and events. She is married and a specialty mom of three young adult children.

Shannon is available to speak and teach. Click her photo to connect to her website.

Calley Welborn -Teacher & Coach

Calley Welborn is a seeker, student, teacher, and coach who believes each of us is purposefully created and implicitly loved.

Walking alongside others on their own paths of discovery and self-acceptance has evolved into her vocation.

Incorporating skills from her professional background in the hospitality, mission, and nonprofit fields, Calley started Enneagam Consulting to consult with individuals and teams in personal and professional settings to share how practical integration of the ancient, yet ever current, living wisdom of the Enneagram has the ability to increase awareness, enhance compassion, honor diverse perspectives, improve balance, deepen relationship, and transform habitual behavior to allow our authentic selves to emerge and thrive.

For self-care, Calley loves to explore, discover the world through a camera lens, read, watch old movies, listen to podcasts, and go on daily grand adventures with the people she loves.

Connect with Calley by picking her photo.

Laura Willis - Spiritual Director

Since 2003 Laura has dedicated herself to creating environments and experiences designed for immersive learning. Training under dedicated Montessori educators and leaders, she elevated the standard for “at home” schooling. 

During this time, she also helped develop a “listening prayer” module at her home church, bridging the values of active listening and spirit lead prayer. Listening Prayer has impacted thousands of participants since its inception in 2010.  Laura is now transitioning her focus to seeing women in ministry thrive!  She is currently getting her Spiritual Director accreditation through Sustainable Faith.

Click her photo to connect