What to Expect

We specialize in providing a quality experience in every facet of your time spent retreating.


Deepen your relationship with God through consenting to ordinary activities. Understand and dismantle emotional programming and address them where they are stored – in the body. Learn the power of a sound mind and how to build peace into your thoughts.


Processes and Practices

Creative Processes and Spiritual Practices throughout the retreat will not only bring restoration and refreshment but you will also gain new tools to apply to your life going forward.

A Unique Experience

You will notice contrast as we guide and lead you to release, repair, and reset. We purposefully weave the slower rhythms of ancient spiritual practices, with the intensity of mind-engaging teachings and activities that activate your body, soul, and spirit.

Care and Prayer

Supportive retreat leaders interact, listen, and spend time with retreatants. Leaders may need some solitude too, but they are there to journey with you. Know that you will be covered in prayer from the time you register and after you return home. Expect something extraordinary from your retreat.


Time is set aside for each woman to experience solitude and uninterrupted time with God. You will be sent away with guidance and suggestions on how to spend your time.


We choose accommodations that help you relax and focus. Some places have single rooms but expect to share a room with another woman or two when necessary.

Make it your own

Nothing is required. Your retreat experience begins with you and God alone. It doesn’t have to move outward, but it can when you desire and allow. Our primary goal is for you to connect with God and bring yourself and your longings to Him. This is how you will release, repair, and reset